
Heppi 3 yrs old

Today,3 years ago, while encik Mohd Ahsani Rahim was in Melaka, I was struggling alone at JB giving birth to our first child. I couldn't even remember whose hand I hold to during the labor, couldn't even remember the look of the child, as he was pushed immediately to the NICU after birth (premature case), and couldn't even remember how I felt when nobody was there as I was pushed back to the ward.

Today, 18/3/2011, the pain is gone, the son is growing well, the family is expanding, and the rezeki is adequate. Alhamdulillah, and thank you Allah. Heppi befday to dearie Muhammad Afiq. (Walopon pagi tadi ibu terlupa sebenarnya, nenek Ya yang ingatkan. Huhu).


riesha said...

laa..xau pom.haha.hepy besday mat piq!

MamaAinaDhea said...

actually aku hengat la gra...aku noticed bile aku sign ape tah rabu lepas...pap tengat afiq punye befdate 18hb...hhehehehhe...nak jadik menantu aku kot...wakakak...anyway hug n kisses to him...tolong bisik kat dia...mama aina dhea wish birthday, moga jadik anak soleh, panjang umur, murah rezeki dan diberkati Allah selalu...amin.....

Ibu Aunis said...

hepi besday afiq. moga jd anak yg soleh.