There are few blogs that ibu always visit, as a silent reader, which ibu has something in common with them. Premature baby. Mase lam pantang dlu ibu start google kisah2 mommy yg lahirkan baby prem ni. Bcoz i'm so worried at that time, i kinda didn't know what to xpect from a prem baby. Mase discharge, doktor xde consult ape2, xde bg panduan or whatever. It caused me lot more worried bile dah tau mcm2 info. Tp alhamdulillah, afiq grow well.
Sapai skang, ibu masih visit those blogs once in a while. Bile baca kisah2 diorang, ibu rase b'syukur sgt sbb afiq xde ape2 complication. Ade atr meke yg ade problem, and hv to struggle until now. Tok nenek afiq kt kg pon slalu jgk mzahirkn ksyukuran mereka bila kami duk cerita psl one of our relative yg baby prem jgk, and tak mbesar dgn spatutnye. Kurus, sakit, and such. Sgt kesian, and i can understand the mother's feel.
Ade satu folder gambar afiq yg ibu slalu hesitate nk bukak. Gambar2 mase afiq kat wad. I wish i can delete them all, but i have to show them to u one day. Ibu ralat nk tgk sbb ibu sedih tgk the pain u have to bear dat time. Stp kali tgk, rse simpati tu akn dtg blk and most of the time air mata ni akn mnitik. Ade satu hari tu, ibu dan ayah visit afiq. Xtau la doktor tu masukkan ape, tp afiq mnangis tak henti. Jari2 afiq mcm cakar2 bdn n muke, seemed like you were so in pain, looking for something to grasp for. I just couldn't bear it bcoz i was so helpless, rse sedih sbb hari tu mse ibu balik lam kdn afiq masih mnangis. Lepas2 tu ibu b'doa biarla stp kali ibu dtg, afiq tido. Klu nak nangis pon, biar la mase ibu xde. Ayah plak pegi captured those moment yg ibu xnk igt tu, and i think i deleted that one.
Kat cni ibu nak share atr gambar2 yg suatu mase dlu ibu ralat nk share bcoz of the uncertainties. Well, u know what i mean. I have to face my fear sbb nak branak lg nih! Huhu..
see how small he was. xde isi pon kaki and tangan..kulit je saje2..
tgk la tangan tu, lebam giler sbb byk kali amik one time, doktor tu xleh nk xtract ngn jarum sbb the vein is so tiny, so die picit2 je ngn tangan die kasik darah kuar. and afiq cried on top of his lung. sgt luluh tgk dan dgr..x ckup tgn kiri, see tgn kanan plak yg kne.
see the size comparison. satu cekup tangan pon masih longgar lg..
ibu kene belai2 afiq slalu, bayi mbesar dgn sentuhan jgk kan..ini hari ke 12 pantang. ibu ke sana ke mari 2 minggu p'tama tu. berdoa je la spy sihat dan kuat bcoz i feel bad if i didnt see u everyday..dat's what make u a mother i guess..
Lepas tu, afiq sikit2 m'besar, dprd kaki xde labu, dah ade labu, drpd xde epal kt pipi, dah ade epal and so on..rasenye die sdri x percaya those were his pics mse kecik..dan ni kronologi pics after that..
Grateful for all the blessings. Syukur alhamdulillah..
Alhamdulillah afiq membesar tanpa menghadapi apa2 masalah...aku pun kagum gak dgn ko...tapi aku igt lagik masa kat utm dulu...kita penah buat jokes pasal ko kene lahirkan baby prem utk kejar date bulan 3 ke bulan 4 sbb akak ko lahirkan anak die bulan 2...something like that aa....aku x igt sgt jokes nye ape...bile ko betul2 lahirkan afiq tak cukup bulan...seriously aku terkedu...anyway gra...aku rasa anak kedua should be ok bile tuh?
aku pon igt2 lupe joke tu, tp mcm ade la something camtu. heheh. ank 2nd tgh buat kire2 lg ni tai. hehe. akak aku dh cop production utk 2010. mak aku plak kate afiq kecik lg. msti kes die xnk jge 2 org pantang thn yg same. so kne hold dlu la kot. haha..
takpe...planning betul2...aku plak haitu datang umah kawan sare...tgk anak dia umo 10 bulan...rasa macam dah lama tak pegang baby kecik...baru tersedar...dhea is no longer a baby...tapi still igt dhea macam baby...tapi nak baby lagik skang nih tak berapa sesuai...takut mak bapak terlalu stress pulak...tunggu la aina dan dhea masuk sekolah dulu...baru pk...
terharu plak rase bila mengenang blk kronologi tumbesaran afiq. dah lah ibu lahirkan afiq sorang2 masa ayah kat melaka. lps visit ibu kat wad ayh pegi wad bayi nak tgk afiq. masa tu debar toksah kata lah. hanya Tuhan saje yg tahu. tapi bila menatap afiq, ayah rasa sejuk jer walaupun nmpk dia mmg kecik antara baby2 yg lain. alhamdulillah after all we've benn through, afiq skang membesar dgn manjanya.....tensen la ayh, afiq manja2 gini....cepat la blk ibu...afiq ni budak temanja tekali di alam temeshta....
a'aa...syukur sgt2 kn...Allah p'mudah kn jln ayah ibu bsrkn Afiq. Afiq kene jd bdk baik, OK. cik A doakn, Afiq sihat slalu smpai bsr...jd bdk bijak mcm ayah ibu...
I bet I can't be as strong as ur mother...
sayu baca kisah hang. Tuhan takkan bagi kalau kita tak boleh nak handle kan? but to look back, it is pretty amazing how you (and other mothers out there) can actually cope with situations yang sometimes kita rasa kita tak boleh cope pun. but in the end, we manage to pull it off. macam supermom betullah.
ang ada ikut tak baca kisah dia lahir anak kembar tiga dia, prem lagi, pergh.. memang aku kagum ah. sorang tak survive. but the other two did and they survived well till now.
Alhamdulillah Afiq pun sihat, aktif semua, what else can you pray for kan?
alhamdulillah..dah besau pn afiq..emmm gra duk kt us sensorg tuh, abis ler die geledah brg2 lama..n mengimbau2 gambar lama2 yerk..makin lah mung rindu kt si afiq tuh yer..huhu..
mcm tak percaya kan dr kecik mcm tu dan agak menyedihkan..skrg dh besar, sihat dan comel..
semoga kita semua sentiasa sabar dan tabah dlm mendidik dan membesarkan anak2..hukhuk
ps: u makin kurus sbb malas masak kat us ek? i plak makin kurus sejak jd mama..huhu
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