

let's begin with bismillah..

agoogoofiq.blogspot is specially created for muhammad afiq. (ibu mmg t'lebey kerja!).mse umo afiq 10 bulan, barulah blog ni diilhamkan. tp it's not too late kan. saje2 suke2 nk compilekan perjalanan hidup anak kami. mmg IT parents btol ek. nati bile afiq dah reti bace, we'll show him this journal, let him read and picturized his childhood life. kan budak2 xleh igt kisah mse meke kecik2 kan, so dgn adenye blog ni, biar die tau how nakalnye die mse kecik..manalah tau kan, umur kami pendek ke, x sempat nk crite, so macik2 kt luar sane bole bgtau die nati.."afiq, afiq ade blog tau..ibu ayh afiq critekan kisah afiq dlm tu.." but hopefully, kami masih ada la utk bitau die sdri blog die ni..(sedih plak). nway kita merancang, Tuhan yg menentukan..

till next entry, chao!


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